Research at Mariana
The museum's scientific team and its institutional partners carry out ambitious research programmes on Mariana and its territory.
2000 years of history...
200 years of research
Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel
Research Centre

A place of pleasure, relaxation and knowledge, the Mariana Museum is also dedicated to archaeological research. To enable its research mission, inherent to its status as a Museum of France and included in its Scientific and Cultural Programme (SCP), the Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel Research Centre, named in tribute to this famous Corsican archaeologist to whom Mariana and Corsica owe so much, has been integrated into the museum. By bringing together in one place the entire operational chain, from excavation to presentation to the public, this facility gives the archaeological site museum its full meaning.

The archaeological laboratory
A large work room is equipped with benches, washing and sieving stations, an extractor hood and storage space. It allows the treatment of items from excavations (sorting by material, washing, sifting, marking, packing), the hosting of heritage restorers to carry out conservation-restoration work, as well as researchers and students needing access to study collections.
The research room

Adjacent to the laboratory, the researchers' room is equipped with large tables, electric sockets and WIFI, allowing researchers to work in the best conditions, as close as possible to the objects.


These spaces are equipped with devices for controlling and regulating the temperature and relative humidity. More than 9,000 objects or sets of objects unearthed on the Mariana site and its historic area are preserved here. A main room accommodates most of the items as well as bulky objects, while a smaller room is devoted to the "museum" collection, small items and sensitive materials. Finally, an adapted space allows the storage of unexposed mosaic panels. The classification by materials, category of objects and site, and the computerised inventory help optimise its management and availability to the various specialists.

The documentation centre
The Mariana Museum has a documentation centre accessible to researchers, teachers, students and the simply curious. These documentary resources are made up of monographs, periodicals, reports of archaeological operations, and rich documentation. They are regularly enriched with successive acquisitions and new publications.

A place to welcome researchers, students and the simply curious, the Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel Research Centre has the necessary resources to develop scientific collaborations with other structures and so contribute to dynamic research around our historical region.

Laboratory life

A real showcase for archaeological research in Corsica, the Mariana Museum backs onto the Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel Research Centre, named in honour of the woman who unearthed a large part of the remains now visible on the archaeological site. Equipped with a laboratory, documentation centre and a work room, it allows users to concentrate all activities within the museum, ranging from field discovery to research promotion.

A large part of the research centre's activity is, of course, devoted to scientific research in connection with our region or our themes: studies of artefacts, various analyses, programmed excavations and archaeological surveys can be carried out in our premises or on the archeological site, most often within scientific partnerships. Here, you can follow the highlights in the life of the lab through its significant news.

Scientific partners

Unity is strength

The Mariana Archaeological Site Museum relies on numerous scientific partnerships to develop and coordinate research projects and continue to promote and disseminate its studies. The museum team, although made up of archaeologists, cannot carry out all the museum's scientific activities alone. As research progresses through the exchange and comparison of data and hypotheses, it's essential for an archaeological site museum to rely on scientific partnerships to boost knowledge and its publication. Corsican archaeology is rich in researchers from various institutions, who through their work renew the study of the societies that have settled there over time. From the start of the museum project, the City of Lucciana has been able to count on committed partners.

Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Corsica
The Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Corsica, a decentralised service of the Ministry of Culture, provides its expertise and follows the regulatory aspects relating to archaeology, historical monuments and museums in Corsica.
Community of Corsica
The Heritage Department of the Community of Corsica supports projects relating to heritage conservation and promotion and supports the actions of the Museums of France in Corsica.
The National Institute of Preventative Archaeological Research today carries out the majority of archaeological operations in the Mariana region, under legislation which requires access to and study of archaeological data threatened with destruction by development. A partnership agreement helps the museum incorporate data and collections resulting from its recent research and promotes exchanges between Inrap operations managers and the museum team.
The Federation of Associations and Study Groups of Corsica preserves the memory of the scientific studies of Genevi?ve Moracchini-Mazel and assists the museum in examining and analysing this profuse documentation. A partnership agreement governs these interactions.
The Coastal Conservatory
The main mission of the Coastal Conservatory is to acquire coastal plots threatened by urbanisation or degradation to preserve, restore and even develop them, while respecting the natural balance. A partnership agreement binds the Mariana Museum and Conservatory, which provides its landscape expertise, particularly as part of the development of the archaeological site, near the banks of the Golo.
Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology in Monaco

Founded in 1902 by Prince Albert I, the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology is the oldest scientific institution in the Principality of Monaco. As a pioneering institute, its scientific dimension has allowed it to span the centuries.

The Department of Underwater and Submarine Archaeological Research, a service of the Ministry of Culture, guides the museum on disseminating research carried out in the river, lagoon or maritime environment within its territory.
The National Centre for Scientific Research grants its researchers, restorers and photographers assignments within the Mariana Museum. As such, the establishment benefits from the expertise and technical know-how of CNRS officials involved in the scientific issues of the museum.

European Heritage Days


The Museum of Mariana is delighted to invite you to the European Heritage Days, September 21st and 22nd. For the 41th edition of this unmissable event, we will take you on a journey to discover our rich archaeological heritage.

The museum will be open to the public for free on Saturday, September 21st, and Sunday, September 22nd, from 10 AM to 7 PM. A guide will be available to answer your questions in the permanent exhibition. The Romanesque church of La Canonica will be open for free from 1 PM to 7 PM (except during religious ceremonies)

For more information, please call us at +33 or by email at

Rainier III of Monaco in the Footsteps of Saint Devota

From November 24th, 2023, to September 22nd, 2024, the Museum of the Archaeological Site of Mariana presents the temporary exhibition: "Rainier III of Monaco, in the footsteps of Saint Devota."

This exhibition is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Museum of Mariana, the Cultural Affairs Department of the Princely Government, and the Archives Service of the Palace and participate in the commemorations of the centenary of the birth of Prince Rainier III.

The museum switches to daylight saving time

Starting today, April 23, 2024, the museum is getting into its #HauteSaison rhythm!
We are now open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 7pm.

Take advantage of the high season to explore or revisit our collections. For a complete immersion, join us on the guided tours available on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 3:30 pm.

Guided tours in English on request.

We also offer workshops for children and families on request, including games and manipulations around Mariana's history and collections.

For any further information, contact us on 04 20 19 02 40 or by email at

Survey on Medieval Epidemics

On Monday, October 9th, the Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel Research Center welcomed three researchers: Philippe Biagini, research director, Jean-Pierre Poli, research professor, and Paul-Alexandre Schmitt, doctoral student, as part of a research project on the pathogens of ancient Corsican populations.

This project is led by the Paleomicrobiology Laboratory at the University of Corsica, in partnership with Aix-Marseille University (Faculty of Medicine, UMR ADES), Inrap, and various archaeological institutions in Corsica. Its objective is to explore specific infectious diseases (malaria, tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.) that may have been present in Corsican territory over the centuries.

In this context, the bone remains of around forty individuals buried in the medieval cemetery of Mariana and stored in the museum's reserves have been sampled. Discovered during archaeological excavations in the 2000s, they constitute a homogeneous and well-documented population. After the scientific project was approved by the Territorial Commission for Archaeological Research, DNA analyses should reveal potential infectious diseases. These microbiological research efforts will be coupled with anthropological, archaeological, and historical studies to put the health status of a population into perspective with its environment, way of life, and social status. The advancements of this innovative and multidisciplinary approach will be regularly published here.

Analysis in progress

Serena Sabatini, an associate professor of archaeology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and a specialist in European and Mediterranean studies on bronze and early Iron Age, has conducted three samples on the « bull-hide » copper ingot deposited at the museum by the Ambrosi family.

The goal is to determine the chemical composition of this ingot, using Laser Ablation mass-spectrometry and its geochemical fingerprint by means of lead isotope analyses. Analyses of bronze age metallurgy using lead isotopes and trace element analyses are a well-established method for assessing the origin of copper used to produce objects and particularly ancient ingots.

Further analyses are also planned on ingots preserved in other museums in France and abroad.

As a result, we will know by early 2024 where our ingot was produced and to which group it belongs, currently two hypotheses: Cyprus or Sardinia.

Stay tuned...

Spotlight on old collections

From April 3rd to 7th, the Mariana Museum received Inrap specialists in its research center for a work session on the re-examination of archaeological data from the formerly excavated Mariana funerary areas.

The recent discovery of a funerary area, north of the ancient city, is at the origin of this research project and motivated a global re-examination of all the funerary furniture unearthed in the 1960s-1970s by Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel in the necropolises of I Ponti and Murotondo-Palazzetto, respectively to the east and west of the city. To carry out this ambitious project, Inrap brought together a multidisciplinary team made up of specialists in small furniture, ceramics, an anthropologist and an archaeozoologist, associated with the management of the museum's collections. This study benefits from the scientific and financial support of the SRA and Inrap.

For the museum, it is an opportunity to put together all the furniture from the old excavations of the necropolises, to refine our knowledge of these objects, and above all to have a global vision of the funeral rites in Mariana. This work will make it possible both to bring out local specificities in the treatment reserved for the dead and to highlight influences on a Mediterranean scale. Eventually, an illustrated catalog that synthesizes this re-reading of old data with regard to new discoveries should be published.


Love in Music

We are delighted to invite you on Saturday, July 20th at 2:30 PM for a sound conference: "L’amori in musica, u sirinatu" (Love in Music, the Serenade). This unique event offers an immersion into Corsican musical heritage through an anthology of ancient Corsican serenades, drawn from the precious archives of the Museum of Corsica's sound library.

Damien Delgrossi, head of the sound library and heritage expert at the Collectivity of Corsica, will lead this session. He will help us discover or rediscover captivating works that combine vocal prowess, instrumental mastery, and poetic richness, all dedicated to the expression of love. These musical excerpts will be commented on, revealing their historical and cultural contexts.

For further information, contact the museum at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or by email via We look forward to sharing this moment of culture and passion with you.

Ribeiro Trio

Immerse yourself in the world of fado with the Ribeiro trio on Saturday, August 3rd at 6 PM. Born in Bastia to Portuguese parents, Daniela Ribeiro grew up deeply imbued with the passion for fado, a traditional song deeply rooted in her family.

Accompanied by talented musicians, Daniela will offer you a poignant performance, borrowing from the repertoire of the great Amália Rodrigues and other contemporary fado stars such as Mariza and Ana Moura. Let yourself be captivated by the emotional power of her voice and the instrumental mastery of her musicians: Nanou Battesti on Portuguese guitar, Antoine Luciani on rhythm guitar, and Antoine Marie Leonelli on bass.

Admission is free. Come and experience an unforgettable moment where fado music will resonate within the exceptional setting of the museum.

For further information, contact the museum at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or via email at We look forward to sharing this moment of culture and passion with you.

Crossed Perspectives on the Heritage of Saint Michel Church of Lucciana

Free lecture on June 22nd at 2:30 PM presented by the researches Jean-Charles Ciavatti and Michel-Édouard Nigaglioni.

The recent campaign of inventory, study, and documentation conducted on the parish church of Lucciana by the Heritage Inventory Service of the Collectivity of Corsica has shed light on previously unexplored aspects of this significant building. These efforts have led to the discovery of often surprising results, which will be revealed during this lecture. The presentation will be accompanied by the projection of over a hundred images, allowing for a thorough appreciation of the heritage of Saint Michel Church and offering an insightful comparison with other works and art objects from the same period preserved across the island.

For more information, contact us at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or via email at Don't miss this immersive journey into the architectural history of Corsica.

Night of Museums

Join us on May 18th, 2024, for the 20th edition of the Night of Museums at the Mariana Museum. On this special occasion, we invite you to discover or rediscover our collections during an exceptional evening opening. Admission will be free from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, allowing everyone to enjoy our exhibitions from a different perspective, in the evening light.

We are also delighted to announce that this event will be held during the Fiera di a Canonica. Ideally located near the fair, the museum will be within walking distance, offering you the opportunity to easily transition from the fair to our spaces, just in time to conclude the evening with the concert by Sumenta Nova at 9:00 PM. Furthermore, our rooftop offers a breathtaking view of the fair and the A Canonica church, adding a spectacular touch to your visit.

Don't miss this opportunity, an ideal moment to celebrate culture in a festive atmosphere accessible to all!

A Panorama of Innovations and Traditions

Immerse yourself in the Corsican architectural universe of the nineteenth century on April 20, 2024, during a captivating conference with free admission at 2:30 p.m. at the Mariana Museum. Discover the architectural specificities of this era of peace and prosperity, marked by significant advances in urban planning and construction.

Pierre Claude Giansily, an art historian specialising in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Corsican painting, sculpture and architecture, will be our speaker in this exploration. His in-depth, award-winning and published research offers a unique look at the civil, religious and public architecture that has shaped the face of modern Corsica.

Join us for an enriching retrospective of Corsican public architecture, from parish churches to emblematic monuments. This event is an exceptional opportunity to deepen your understanding of the island's architectural heritage.

For any further information, contact us on 04 20 19 02 40 or by email at

We look forward to seeing many of you to share this moment in the history of art!


Let's celebrate the winter solstice!

Exceptional visit around the god Mithras. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Mariana mithreum, the only sanctuary dedicated to the god Mithras discovered to date in Corsica.

Saturday April 13 at 3:00 p.m. exceptional guided tour led by Camille Anardin.

Follow in his footsteps and explore the rites and secrets of this ancient religion, coming from the Persian world, very appreciated by the Romans and which Emperor Aurelian (reigned from 270 to 275 AD) will associate with the imperial cult through the figure of Sol Invictus.

Reservation required (limited places) on 04 20 19 02 40 or on

Our team is at your disposal for any additional information.

Borgo Battle Conference

We have the honor of inviting you to a conference dedicated to the Borgo battle that took place from October 8th to 10th, 1768. Join us on Saturday, March 16th at 2:30 PM for the exploration of this pivotal event led by Michel Vergé-Franceschi, Professor Emeritus of Universities, 3-time Winner of the Corsican Book Prize.

This immersion into the history of the Borgo battle will delve into the circumstances preceding the conflict, unveil a thorough analysis of the strategies and key moments of the battle, and examine their impact and repercussions on Corsican society.

An unparalleled opportunity to deepen your knowledge of this major historical event. Come enrich your perspective on Corsican history and its defining moments.

For any additional information, please contact us at 04 20 19 02 40 or via email at


The Mattei Company in the Corsican Imagination

We have the honor of inviting you to a conference dedicated to the L.N. MATTEI brand, a key player in the Corsican industrial development and still deeply rooted in the Corsican imagination today. Join us on February 17th at 2:30 PM for this essential event led by Dominique Mattei.

For over a century, the L.N. MATTEI company has contributed to the economic development of Corsica while acquiring a remarkable international stature. The brand is recognized for its pioneering role in advertising and its deep connection to the island's collective memory.

We will address the figures of Louis Napoléon MATTEI and François Mattei, who adapted their vision to the changes of their time, turning Cap Corse Mattei into an emblem of loyalty to the region and international influences.

The book "Mattei, une saga insulaire" pays tribute to these men while aiming to contribute to writing a page of Corsican history that is as fascinating as it is unknown.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing this historical richness together.

For any additional information, please contact us at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or via email at

A social movement?

We are delighted to invite you to a conference on the Corsican Resistance (1940-1943): A Social Movement? Rediscover the resistance phenomenon in Corsica, through an anthropological perspective, in the museum on Saturday, January 13 at 2:30 p.m.

Moderated by Sylvain Gregori, curator of the Museum of Bastia and the Museum of the Corsican Resistance, this conference allows us to understand how the Resistance took root in the island's society, in the daily life of the population.

This social and cultural prism, ultimately close to the archaeological approach, opens the way to a more detailed knowledge of the Resistance. Complementary to political or military history, it is above all the antithesis of the ideological instrumentalizations of which this period was a victim. At a time when actors and witnesses are disappearing, it offers a new collective memory that is being built.

For more information, contact us by phone at 04 20 19 02 40 or by email at We can't wait to share this exciting moment with you!


Study Day on Preventive Archaeology

As part of its partnership with Inrap, the Mariana Museum is hosting an exceptional study day on preventive archaeology in Corsica.

The development of preventive archaeology has led to an unprecedented increase in knowledge of territories. Archaeological excavations carried out in Corsica before the construction of buildings or infrastructure document the island's occupations, contributing to the renewal of knowledge about its history.

This study day aims to share the results of archaeological research recently conducted by INRAP under the egis of the DRAC, from the famous excavation of the Etruscan necropolis of Lamajone in Aléria to the Neolithic site of Dilligato in Sotta, including the ancient city of Mariana, the medieval church of San Petru in Barbaggio, or the Genoese fort of Girolata. The examples presented by archaeologists, in collaboration with numerous partners, will also help outline perspectives for the future of preventive archaeology in Corsica.

Open to all, this day will take place at the Museum of the Archaeological Site of Mariana – Prince Rainier III of Monaco. You can also find the program by following this link : 



Conference around Geneaology

The museum invites you to a deep dive into Corsican genealogy on Saturday, December 16th at 10 AM during the conference titled "Genealugia in Lucciana cumu fà" (Genealogy in Lucciana, how to do it).


The museum invites you to a deep dive into Corsican genealogy on Saturday, December 16th at 10 AM during the conference titled "Genealugia in Lucciana cumu fà" (Genealogy in Lucciana, how to do it).


At the heart of this conference, we will explore essential documents such as parish registers, civil status records, censuses, and consanguinity dispensations, among others. We will also focus on innovative tools like DNA, now available for genealogical research. Special attention will be given to the richness and uniqueness of Corsica, with a focus on documents related to the village of Lucciana.


The conference will continue with insights into Corsican specifics in genealogical research and the challenges they pose. Finally, the Corsican genealogical association will showcase some of its emblematic work in genealogy.

The conference will be led by André Flori, a former senior officer in the Air Force and current president of the Corsica Genealugia association for the past 10 years. With extensive experience, he has contributed to several major works on Corsican genealogy and has reconstructed the history of families from various villages in the region.

Join us for this fascinating journey into Corsican family history!

For more information, contact us by phone at 04 20 19 02 40 or by email at




It's autumn, let's change the pace!

From September 26th, 2023, the museum transitions to its off-season schedule!

The museum is  open from Tuesday to Friday, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Closed on public holidays 01/11 and 11/11 and from 26 to 30/12.

The A Canonica Church remains accessible on reservation for guided group tours.

Take advantage of this off-season period to discover or rediscover our collections in a peaceful atmosphere. For an even more immersive experience, we invite you to join our guided tours on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3:00 PM.

Musical journey

The museum is pleased to invite you to an exceptional musical event in the company of the Magicanima group. Dive into a world that harmoniously blends captivating voices and enchanting melodies from the regions of Corsica, Sardinia, Italy, and much more!

Magicanima is composed of two voices and two guitars and takes you on a musical journey full of emotions. Their repertoire is a subtle blend of original creations, traditional songs, and captivating melodies drawn from the cultures of the Mediterranean Basin. From Corsica to Sardinia, and through Italy and Argentina, their music will transport you to distant lands and make you feel the richness of these historically tinged territories.

While Argentine Milonga and Tango harmoniously make their way into their compositions, Magicanima also stands out for its opening to all other Argentine musical influences, reflecting the diversity and depth of the plains and landscapes of this country.

Magicanima is more than just a concert; it is a polyphony of memories, a meeting between cultures and traditions, all while being oriented towards the future, inviting you to explore the musical horizons of tomorrow.

Join us on Saturday, September 9th, at 4 p.m. at the Mariana Lucciana museum for this unique musical experience. Admission is free, offering everyone the opportunity to participate in this memorable event.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this exceptional musical event at the Mariana museum. Come celebrate cultural and musical diversity with us!

For more information, contact us by phone at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or by email at


National Architecture Days Conference

As part of National Architecture Days, we are pleased to invite you to a conference on Saturday, October 14th at 10 AM, focusing on contemporary architecture in Corsica, presented by Julien Darbon Patrimonio.

First, discover a unique panorama of island architecture with an immersion into the award-winning projects of the Regional Architecture Awards in Corsica - 1st edition, presented by the Maison de l'Architecture Corse. Broaden your horizons with an exploration of the agency's flagship projects, encompassing both construction and renovation. Lastly, Pierre André Asara will present the ongoing architectural revival (riacquistu).

This conference promises an immersion into the Corsican architectural landscape, highlighting the dialogue between heritage and innovation. Come explore the subtleties of design and how Corsican culture expresses itself through its buildings and territory.

For more information, contact us by phone at 04 20 19 02 40 or by email at We look forward to sharing this exciting moment with you!

Conference at the Museum of Levie - Livia

This Saturday, October 7th, at the Museum of Levie: "Mariana in Light!"

The Alta Rocca Museum in Levie opens its doors and is pleased to invite you to a conference on Saturday, October 7th at 2:30 PM.

Explore the treasures and mysteries of the "Archaeological Site Museum of Mariana - Prince Rainier III of Monaco," through a presentation by our director, Ophélie de Peretti, a native of Levie.

Admission is free for all. A big thank you to the Levie Museum for this collaboration that promotes the Mariana Museum beyond its territory.

For more information or any questions regarding the organization, the Alta Rocca Museum team is at your service at 04 95 78 00 73.

European Heritage Days


The Museum of Mariana is delighted to invite you to the European Heritage Days, next weekend. For the 40th edition of this unmissable event, we will take you on a journey to discover our rich archaeological heritage.


On Saturday, September 16th, and Sunday, September 17th, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, our museum and its archaeological park will open their doors to welcome you for free. For this occasion, we have scheduled 6 flash guided tours every day. At the museum, three guided tours will be organized at 11:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM. On the archaeological site, they will take place at 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM, and 5:00 PM, allowing you, for those who wish to visit the museum and/or the archaeological site with a mediator.


The guided tours are open to everyone, and admission is free during these two days.


For more information, please call us at +33 or by email at

Tour around Mithras

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the Mithraeum of Mariana, the only sanctuary dedicated to the god Mithras discovered in Corsica to date. Join us on Thursday, August 17th at 3:30 PM for this exceptional guided tour led by Camille Anardin. Follow in his footsteps and explore the rituals and secrets of this ancient religion, originating from the Persian world but highly esteemed among the Romans.

Reservation is mandatory (limited spots available) at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or via Our team is at your disposal for any additional information.


À Cappellà Concert

Are you looking for an immersive and captivating musical experience? Look no further! The Mariana Museum invites you to attend an exceptional interactive concert, showcasing the agro-pastoral music of the Mediterranean basin.

Join us on Saturday, July 8th at 4 PM for a spatio-temporal journey filled with Corsican melodies and much more. Christian Andreani will introduce you to the iconic traditional instruments of this rich musical tradition and will transport you into the historical context that surrounds them.

Admission is free, so feel free to invite your friends, and family to join you for this unique cultural experience. Mark this date in your calendar now and get ready to have a memorable time at the Mariana Museum.

For more information, please contact us by phone at +33 4 20 19 02 40 or by email at


Music in a hat

For the first time since its opening, we are pleased to offer you a concert at the museum.

The Trio Elixir performs string instruments to offer you a not-so-classical concert.

An astonishing and interactive musical experience will be exceptionally presented this Saturday, June 24th, at 4:00pm. Free admission. 



This year, we are the ones moving to offer you a workshop: Looking for the lost shard! For the European Archaeology Days. Indeed, the EAD will take place on June 16th, 17th, and 18th at the Alta Rocca Museum and the Capula site in Levie. Come and discover workshops, exhibitions, and demonstrations of all kinds with archaeologists working in Corsica. All information is available at


4th Meeting of the Grimaldi Historic Sites in Monaco

The Principality of Monaco honors us by hosting the annual event of the Grimaldi Historic Sites in Monaco. The archaeological site museum of Mariana - Prince Rainier III of Monaco and the Marana-Golo Tourism Office will be present in the activity village around the Princely Palace on Saturday, June 10th, and Sunday, June 11th, from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. These are expected to be exceptional days.

European Night of Museums at Mariana

For the first time since our opening, the Museum of Mariana takes part in the European Night of Museums !

On the program : a convention about Mithraism in the Roman world followed by a guided tour about the Mithraeum found in Mariana. As of today’s date, it is the only sanctuary dedicated to Mithra – who came from Persian Civilisation, discovered in Corsica.

European Night of Museums at Mariana

For the first time since our opening, the Museum of Mariana takes part in the European Night of Museums !

On the program : a convention about Mithraism in the Roman world followed by a guided tour about the Mithraeum found in Mariana. As of today’s date, it is the only sanctuary dedicated to Mithra – who came from Persian Civilisation, discovered in Corsica.