New archaeological surveys
For a few days now, activities have been stirring in the fields near the church of La Canonica.
A tractor from the City of Lucciana is pulling the radar from the specialized company Analyse-GC to carry out a precise geophysical survey of the remains still buried underground. This non-invasive research technique emits electromagnetic pulses that propagate into the subsoil. By analyzing the returned signals, we can detect the presence or absence of remains, their density, and their depth. Walls, excavations, ditches, and soil layers can be identified, opening up new research opportunities.
A big thank you to the landowners who allow us access to their plots, to the City of Lucciana for their technical and logistical support, and to the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Corsica for funding this study. While waiting for the new results, a few images of older surveys carried out on other plots.