Baths in Roman Antiquity

Off-site conference

This conference on "Baths in Ancient Rome", proposed by our director Ophélie de Peretti, highlights one of the themes presented in the temporary exhibition "Corsica Rumana: A Mediterranean Island in the Roman Era" at the Bastia Museum, in partnership with the Mariana Museum, from July 6th to December 21st, 2024.

Saturday september 28th 3:00 PM at the media library in the city center of Bastia.

A symbolic building of Roman culture and a legacy of the Greek world, the bathhouse was a space dedicated to body care, hygiene, social interactions, as well as recreational and athletic activities. These facilities were found not only in cities but also in the residences of the elite. They could range from vast structures, such as those built during the High Empire, to smaller facilities comprising just a few rooms within Roman homes.

The conference sheds light on the Roman bathing practices by examining some iconic public baths and provides an overview of thermal buildings in Roman Corsica.